About Us

Softball League
While the idea of a company softball team seemed good at the time, the injuries proved otherwise.

She has never lost her love for papers, numbers, and sales tax.

Horse Trailers
From the mid 80's through the late 90's, Pierce Sales was known among many things for their quality and volume of trailers.

Our Building
Many business owners claim they built the business from the ground up. Ours literally did that.

Jeff & George Pierce
The father & son team rarely took time for photos. When they weren't busy selling, welding onto the building, sourcing product, and thinking up new ideas while doing so, taking photos was the last thing on their mind. However, this rare photo from the early days captures both of their kind and fun personalities.
Why choose PIERCE?
Durability and Dependability
We are in the business of helping you. Part of helping you is manufacturing high quality products that work. PIERCE products have been in the field since the early 80s and many of our original winches and bale spikes are still working hard. We have seen companies come and go in this business; but, PIERCE is here to stay and pull for you for decades to come.
Right Price
We put the customer first by choosing to keep our overhead as low as possible. Low overhead equals a lower retail price above all we strive to keep our pricing consistently competitive with the market.
Support and Service
The PIERCE customer is made up of hardworking, hard playing men and women who require their equipment to work. They are working in the field, on the side of the road, on the job, in rural communities or in the wilderness. When issues arise, which they do at times, we are committed to excellent and prompt customer service. Our team is available throughout the week - just call us! For information and help outside of business hours, log on to our YouTube channel for helpful videos.
Our team is experienced, efficient, and dedicated to making sure your experience with PIERCE exceeds expectations. We have been in business for over40 years and many of our employees have been with us for most of the journey.
Replacement Parts
Need a solenoid for your 1990's Desert Dynamic winch? We've got you covered. PIERCE products aren't "disposable" - they are built to last and be maintained for years to come. When your PIERCE product needs a part or won't start, we are here to get you that part ASAP and help you troubleshoot your PIERCE equipment.
Quick Shipping
If a dealer doesn't have your winch, no problem. We dropship all orders by the next business day. That's a 24 hour turnaround!
"RESPECT" is the number one reason to do business with PIERCE. You have specific needs and we want to be helpful to you. When problems need solving we will listen to the issues and offer solutions. We respect the hard work you do day in and day out. From the heat of the oil field to the danger of highway recovery, you do great things and it would be a pleasure to work with you.